A 10 minute grounding meditation

Meditation can be a powerful tool for personal growth, stress-management and self-awareness. According to Psychology Today as many as one in thirty Americans are now being “prescribed” meditation by their doctors who, in increasing numbers, are starting to stand behind this age-old practice. So what’s all the fuss about?

*This blog post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through some of the links I provide I can earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!


Intro to Manduka

Before we dive in, I want to take a quick moment to tell you about Manduka, who make the most beautiful, high quality yoga equipment and activewear. They produce high quality, toxic-free products and are committed to transparency and sustainability. I especially love their Almost-Perfect Mats. These are mats with a bit of character that are available at a discount price, which means that not only do you save money, but you’re also saving a mat from landfill!

You can shop the full Manduka range and use my code WILDKATYOGA on checkout for a 10% discount.


Incase you’re on the lookout for a good reason or two to sit down, be quiet and join the gang of international meditators here’s are a few…

  • Meditation can offer you a new perspective in a stressful situation, making you a more empathetic and tolerant employee/boss/sibling/parent/friend

  • Meditation can reduce your attachment to negative thoughts and emotions, making you a more positive and upbeat person

  • Meditation can help you stay calm and grounded in stressful times, so that whatever you’re dealing with is less likely to overwhelm you and lead to burn out

  • Meditation can help people with mental health problems navigate the world more easily and calmly

  • Meditation can lengthen your attention span, making you more productive, engaged and successful in your professional and personal life

I could go on and on and ON, but you get the idea!


And if you’re wondering were to start. I’ve got you! To kick off 2021 I’ve been sharing a new guided meditation on my YouTube channel each month. These meditation videos are just 10 minutes long and can be done anywhere, so you don’t need a mat, fancy yoga clothes or really a lot of time.

To start us off here’s the very first in our 6-month long practice…


Setting yourself up for a successful meditation practice

The truth is, you can meditate ANYWHERE, and when you get “good” at it (by “good” I mean you just make a point of doing it often) you’ll find you can and you do! But if you’re new to meditation it can be helpful to do a teeny bit more work to set the scene. Here are a few ideas to help you make your meditation practice a little easier…

  • Find a quiet, distraction free place to sit or lie down - this will make it easier for you to concentrate.

  • Get comfortable - you don’t need to sit in the lotus position; in fact a lot of us struggle to sit cross legged and with straight backs for long periods, so sitting in a chair or with your back against the wall can be really helpful.

  • Before you start, take a few deep breaths - this will help clear your mind and relax your body, so you can let go of any tension you’re holding from the day and make it easier to focus.

  • Don’t beat yourself up! Meditation is HARD and it is the act of simply noticing when your attention is slipping and bringing it back that makes your practice successful.

If that guided meditation hit the spot, then be sure to sign up to my newsletter below. You’ll get access to my 10 day Discover Yoga Program AND I’ll slip a new guided meditation or yoga practice into your inbox at the start of every month. There’s so much goodness is coming your way :)