Yoga for a Better (functioning) Butt: a butt workout with a difference!

Last night I taught a Power Yoga class which was based off a YouTube video I filmed a few months ago called Yoga for a Better (functioning) Butt. The class was amazing, and midway through it I remembered how much I loved and valued that video, so writing out this post was the first thing I did this morning!


Why Building a better butt is important

This video has been my most popular to date and I am all but certain it has a lot to do with the title! I’ll admit I used “Yoga for a Better Butt” to lure people into doing a butt workout with a difference, and it worked (sorry for the deception, and also not sorry at all). But my true intentions with creating this video were two-fold:

  1. I want to help you establish a strength-based approach to hip flexibility. Especially if you’re someone with a lot of natural hip flexibility and you have a pretty passive lifestyle. This is, in my very humble opinion, the safest, long-term approach to building more flexibility in yoga poses. If you’re simply collapsing into your joints you might look good on instagram, but you’re not actually doing your body any good.

  2. Building strength in and around my hips has helped me combat issues like lower back pain and SIJ dysfunction and has, yes, increased my flexibility. It’s been my experience that building strength around very mobile joints (all ball and socket joints and other vulnerable joints like the knee and spine) addresses the root cause of a lot of our common aches and pains.

The sad truth is that most people don’t really care about how their bodies are functioning, and back pain is too easily solved by popping painkillers or doing a stretching video on YouTube. Whilst these things certainly have their place, being so focused on getting an immediate result is just not a viable long-term solution. So, on your journey to seeking out a sweet peach I want to encourage you to think beyond that - to understand how strengthening your glutes (the biggest muscles in your body!) can do you a world of good that reaches far beyond building a better butt.

Okay, rant over. Let’s crack on. (See what I did there).

The butt workout with a difference

I filmed this video mid-way through our home renovation, hence the shocking background but let this serve as a reminder that yoga is confined to a certain space, outfits or time of day.

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