10 Free Yoga Videos to Help You Build Strength
YouTube is great, I love it there and I share monthly videos to my channel to offer new students a chance to practice with me before they dive a bit deeper into what I offer. I also love it because it’s a resource for those who are tight on budget and can’t commit to joining paid classes or programs.
But YouTube is a MESS! It really is. You often have, at best, a very vague idea of what you want when you open the app, and then the options are just overwhelming and you end up getting distracted or simply wasting time scrolling! In fact, you’ll probably end up spending more time scrolling than you will moving. Not ideal.
So, today I want to help you stop scrolling (Can I get an Amen?!). If you’re looking for strength based yoga videos, I have combined 10 of my favourite, free, strength-based yoga classes from YouTube into one easily accessible location! Whahoo!
Roll up your sleeves, roll out your mats and get your sweat towel at the ready. Here we go!
20 Minute full body flow for strength
My Feel Beauty Gummies review and thoughts on prioritising wellbeing after becoming a mum of two