FEEL Multivitamins: here's what you need to know

Okay gang, let’s talk about supplements. I’m a big fan of the right supplements, at the right time. So when FEEL asked me to try out and review their “reinvented” multivitamin I did some reading, was pretty impressed, and said heck yeah! So today I’m going to dive a little more into:

1. Why you need to take a multivitamin

2. What I thought of FEEL’s multivitamin


This blog post is sponsored by FEEL, but my opinion is not. It also contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through some of the links I provide I can earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!

Why take a multivitamin?

There is really no way to beat a good, varied and nutrient-rich diet. If that’s you then congrats - go ahead and close this page; you’re good. But unfortunately, this just isn’t the reality for most of us. When you take the time to learn about what you’re eating, you’ll probably find that the majority of foods you’re consuming are highly processed, sometimes to the point of nutritional nothingness. Eating well, for so many of us, is just too expensive and access to unprocessed, organic food is near-on impossible in some parts of the world.

That’s why we have a multivitamin!

When to take a multivitamin?

My advice to anyone curious about supplements and what they can do for you is, as with anything, take them in moderation. The science behind dosage of multivitamins is mixed, and because we aren’t all scientists it’s important that you take time to understand your own health and how to adapt to what you need in the moment (read more about how diet fuels your happiness here).

I usually take a multivitamin at the start of Autumn and in the depths of Winter, to help me transition between the seasons - these are the times when I struggle with my mental health the most, I often feel run down and I’m most prone to sickness. The multivitamin boost gets me through!

FEEL’s Reinvented Multivitamin

So, why FEEL? The thing is, if you go to the pharmacy you can pick an own-brand multivitamin off the shelf for pretty cheap. That might seem okay, but bear in mind that if it’s cheap, it’s cheap for a reason.

Unfortunately, dietary supplements, including multivitamins, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so they may contain higher or lower levels of some nutrients than the label states (source). In some cases, they may not even provide all of the listed nutrients! The supplement industry is notorious for fraud, so it’s important to purchase your vitamins from a reputable manufacturer.

As far as I’m concerned, FEEL hit the mark when they produced a multivitamin that gives you 33 high quality ingredients (the FDA requires a minimum of only 3 and most commercial multivitamins contain a maximum of 16) in pill format. They have all the regular good stuff in there, like Vitamins A - E, K, Calcium and Magnesium, but they also took it a step further and added a handful of superfoods ingredients like Reishi, Tumeric, Spirulina and Grapeseed extract. In short, it is a Super Multivitamin.

And if that wasn’t enough, as an added bonus, their packaging is all paper. So they’re 100% sustainable, and we need more of that in the world.

I’m thrilled to have stumbled upon FEEL, to have had the opportunity to learn from them and I love nothing more than sharing some of my top finds in the world of wellness with you. This one is well up there, and if you want to give them a try you can get £6 off a 3 month subscription with the code BIGSAVER on checkout.