Prenatal Yoga for Sciatica
Sciatica SUCKS. Big time. And that’s not just a dramatic opening statement. If you’ve found your way here I want to first of all offer you my sympathy - I suffered from sciatica during my pregnancy and it was a pain in the butt. Literally. The good news is that there is actually a lot you do right from the comfort of your home to help you manage the pain so you can enjoy less time aching and more time loving on your beautiful pregnant bod.
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Sciatica is an irritation of the sciatic nerve. This nerve attaches under the bottom ribs in the lower back, runs down the buttock and the back of the leg and into the foot. Sciatica can be felt at any of these points, though it is most commonly felt deep in the buttock and the lower back.
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The most common cause of sciatica is actually a disc herniation, so it’s worth dropping in to see your osteopath to be sure that this isn’t what’s causing your pain. But most often, during pregnancy, carrying the added weight of your baby and the lordosis in your spine are what serves to compress and aggravate your sciatic nerve. What’s more, pregnancy tends to make us more sedentary humans, and sitting down or lying down for long periods of time causes further strain on this nerve.
Does that mean you can’t rest? No mama, no. Rest up. But remember that a healthy pregnancy is all about finding that balance between keeping active, mobile and strong and deep rest. Prenatal yoga to the rescue!
My online prenatal yoga classes will help you strike this important balance. Click here to sign up to Moviing on a free two week trial and start practising. Remember to use my code KAT25 for 25% off your membership too!
Prenatal yoga poses for sciatica
Here are some of favourite, most effective prenatal yoga poses to help you combat sciatica in your pregnancy. Enjoy!
Keep your feet hip distance apart or slightly wider, straighten your knees but don’t lock them and then bend forward pivoting from your hip and placing your hands on a support such as a chair (as shown). You can play with bending and straightening your knees here, or even bending one knee and the other whilst you roll slightly from side to side until you find a feel-good stretch.
You can do classic half pigeon pose if this feels accessible to you. Or take the same shape with your top leg supported on the bottom just above the ankle whilst seated on a chair. Slowly lean forward into the stretch, keeping your spine long so you hinge at the hip and resting (but not pushing) your hand into the bent knee.
Make your way slowly into a low lunge as shown, using a block or two for support and perhaps a blanket underneath your knee that’s resting on the ground. Take a few breaths here, looking forward and directing your inhale into the lower part of your belly to assist the stretch internally.
From your low lunge roll back slowly over your back knee, straightening out the front leg. Again make sure to use the support of a block or two so you don’t feel like your balance is being challenged or you are pushing yourself too far. Hold for a few breaths or rock gently between a low lunge and half split.
Lie on your back with your feet firmly on the floor and press firmly into both feet equally until your hips lift. Slide a yoga block, a bolster or a book or two underneath your hips. It should sit right at the spot where your lower back meets your buttock - you’ll feel the gentle curve of the glutes here. Reposition the block until it feels comfortable and then relax for a few breaths here.
I hope that helps you feel wonderful Mama and if you want to feel even better I would love for you to come practice prenatal yoga with me on Moviing. You can get started with a 2 week free trial and use my code KAT25 for 25% off your monthly membership.
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